2590 meters FPV milestone with stock Futaba 10C 72 MHz Radio
Sound Tracks by BPM USA
Written by: Bulletproof Messenger
Contact: bulletproofvox@gmail.com
Website: http://www.bulletproofmessenger.net
After flying with UHF systems, FrSky 2.4ghz modules and seeing each and everything gets me finally bored and annoyed due to their own high tech problems, I finally get back to my simplest, proven for no glitches and very reliable, at the same time enough long range Futaba 10CAP 72Mhz Stock Radio system. In this video I flew my Skywalker with my stock Futaba 10CAP 72 MHz Radio and 8 channel PCM 1024 Receiver, FPV-MLR-AP combo of onlyflyingmachines.com and Fatshark video goggles, and pushed the system (Futaba 10CAP) to its limits. I was extremely happy to see that RTH engaged at 2.5km range. Sweet. What else does one need? 2.5km is a great range for FPV flights and enough range to enjoy the FPV. Longer than that and FPV gets really boring on planes. I flew for 28 minutes using a 4000mAh 4S 30C lipoly battery on my Skywalker.
Enjoy this video with Bulletproof messenger tracks that kept us entertained throught out this 15 minutes video clips that were taken from an original 28 minute long flight. Comments and feedback welcome at alishanmao@gmail.com , info@onlyflyingmachines.com and alishanmaolife@gmail.com Don't forget to visit http://www.onlyflyingmachines.com , and Subscribe to http://www.youtube.com/alishanmaolife and http://www.youtube.com/alishanmao
Skywalker, FPV Planes, Skywalker V5, FY31AP, FPV flight, RC FPV Plane, long range FPV plane, FPV UAV plane, UAV Platform, FPV Platform, 1.2G Lawmat, Lawmat, FPV, Futaba 10CAP 72 Mhz, Futaba 10C, Futaba 10CAP, Long Range FPV System, ali, alishanmao, 1000mw 1.2Ghz Video Transmitter, Hornet OSD, FY Hornet OSD, Feiyu, Foxtech DVR, FoxtechFPV, FY31AP, 2.5km FPV, 2.5km FPV flight, wireless video, 2590 meters FPV, FPV milestone, Record FPV on Stock Futaba 10C