The Flight of the Giant – OFM Brute Q1200 Test flight
Finally the Giant rises in the air with a melodious sound of its powerful motors spinning 17 inch carbon fiber blades. OFM Brute Q1200 simply amazed me with its superb flight response, ultimate stability, and brilliant handling on all flight modes. Not only that, it also demonstrated his power to bring us at least a 2kg to 3kg of solid payload. And did I mention the flight efficiency? I flew for 18 minutes on 2 x 4S 5000mAh connected in Parallel. We are surely looking at 10 minutes of solid flight time with the entire payload later.
This is one ultimate Aerial filming rig for professional use. All the professional photographers who are always wondering what machine is capable of lifting their big heavy DSLRs, now do not have to think anymore. This is one platform they have been waiting for. Not only this, Brute Q1200 is easily upgrade able to Hex and Octa Configurations in no time at all. Its just matter of time for me to release those Brute H1200 and Brute O1200, machines.
Enjoy the first flight testing. Next step for me is to find a suitable camera gimbal for my customers. And for my personal Brute Q1200? Well its gonna turn into a sweet UFO in China . Comments and feedback welcome at , and Don't forget to visit , and Subscribe to and
Rare weather, AliShanMao, Ali, Update, RC, Radio control, OFM Brute-Q1200, Brute, Giant machine, Giant Quadcopter, Giant Aerial Filming rig, Huge quadcopter, Huge Multirotor, Giant Multirotor, Only Flying Machines, Giant Aerial filming platform, filming, aerial, Giant, Huge, big, biggest Quadcopter, Giant Quad, Test flight, DJI Wookong M, GPS position hold, Drone, Giant drone