Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Review: Walkera V450D03 Unboxing

Review: Walkera V450D03 Unboxing
This is a simple unboxing review of Walkeras newest 6 axis 450 Size 3D Helicopter. We will also take a closer look at it and talk about simple stuff. It’s a great bargain for what you get inside the box. Let us see how it will fly and how easy or stable it is to do 3D. Enjoy the unboxing review and a closer look and we will post the flight videos as soon as weather clears up. Comments and feedback welcome at alishanmao@gmail.com , info@onlyflyingmachines.com and alishanmaolife@gmail.com Don't forget to visit http://www.onlyflyingmachines.com , and Subscribe to http://www.youtube.com/alishanmaolife and http://www.youtube.com/alishanmao
RC Helicopter, RC heli, RC 3D helicopter, Electric 3D Helicopter, V450D03, Walkera, Walkera V450D03, 6 axis Gyro, 3G System, Devention 8S Radio, Transmitter, RC, Radio control, Electric RC helicopter, 450, Devo 8S, Unboxing, Review, Walkera V450D03 Review, Ali, AliShanMao

1 comment:

Hassan said...

Thank you Ali for this video
I just want to ask you about the Transmitter Devo# does it cam inside the body box or another box?. Why all shopping websites wrote it's shopping wight 4 kg but the heli with battery wight 816g and the transmitter wight 650g from where the other wight come from? .. Please explain this
