Aerial Suveillance Drone with Night Vision Camera – OFM ASD650
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its about time you get your personal Aerial Surveillance Drone with day and night vision camera. Introducing, carefully designed and setup, OFM ASD-650, your personal aerial filming drone that comes pre equipped with goodies you will find very handy. Now offering day and night vision live video, HD recording and High Resolution pictures at the same time, a good flight endurance using single battery, Sweet sounding quiet flights, and a good control range, OFM ASD650 will become you daily personal Aerial surveillance drone for daily surveillance, search and rescue and other professional missions.
We can add full autonomous flight system and capabilities, 2 to 4km range and full live flight data telemetry on demand if you need it. Just ask when ordering your personal ASD650 and customize it as per your requirement.
Enjoy this video of OFM ASD-650 that will show you just a few applications of this superb flying machine in daily life. Of course possibilities are endless.
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Night vision camera, Quadcopte with Night vision camera, Quadcopter night FPV, Aerial surveillance drone, Aerial, Surveillance, Drone, Search and Resuce Drone, AliShanMao, Ali, RC, Radio control, T-Motor, DJI Naza M GPS, Naza, Wookong, Wookong M GPS, GPS position hold, RTH, auto land, ASD, OFM-650 V4, X650 V4, XA-650, Xaircraft, GoPro 3, GoPro 3 black edition, Your personal Drone