Thursday, June 11, 2020

9 Years Old Natural FPV Pilot - FPV Drones Flight Training

Today I setup an AIO FireFly Fortress 5.8ghz FPV System on MJX MEW 4-1 Drone and Give it to my little 9 year old Arish to Fly. This was his first real FPV Flight with a 5.8ghz FPV System and FPV Video Goggles and he simply amazed me with his control and skills. Not only that he totally disengaged GPS and flew FPV in Sports mode. He is a natural FPV Pilot. I am looking forward to start FPV racing with him soon.
Firefly fortress AIO FPV:
Learn to Fly 3D RC Helicopters:
I get my RC Supplies here:
I get all my tools and supplies from here:
Best Woodworking tools online:
DIY Woodworking TV Channel :

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