Thursday, March 1, 2012

Why do we need FY31AP -- New Skywalker Aerial Video

Why do we need FY31AP – New Skywalker Aerial Video
It’s a good question and the answer is right here in this video. This is the aerial video shot using GoPro HD on board my New Skywalker V5 with FY31AP. Video has background commentary that describes it all. But for description, story is simple. Mr. Zhou brings a new skywalker with a 1.2g FPV system. I was flying my skywalker about a kilometer away when Mr. Zhou turns on his FPV system on same Channel that I was using for my fpv video. Suddenly my video was gone and all I could see is ground as Mr. Zhou’s camera was looking at Ground. I did not panic but simply turn on my RTH flight mode on my Radio, took my goggles off and went to help Mr. Zhou to change his video frequency so I could get my video back coming from my skywalker in the air. My Skywalker flew back to me safely and starts circling around all the time over our head until we sort out the issue and I got my video back. After which we had a good FPV flight. Enjoy the video and hope you are convinced why do we need FY31AP. Comments and feedback welcome at , and Don't forget to visit , and Subscribe to and
Skywalker, FPV Planes, Skywalker V5 with FY31AP, Skywalker with FY31AP, Skywalker V5 FPV flight, RC FPV Plane, RC Skywalker, Skywalker planes, new FPV plane, long range FPV plane, FPV UAV planes, UAV Platform, FPV Platform, best FPV Platform, 1.3g FPV System, Chainlink Dare, Chainlink Diversity antenna Receiver, Long Range FPV System, New servos, ali, alishanmao, 800mw 1.3Ghz Video Transmitter, Hornet OSD, FY Hornet OSD, FY31Ap, GoPro HD, GoPro Hero HD, GoPro HD Aerial Video, GoPro HD Action Video

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