Sunday, September 16, 2018

Detail Review DJI Mavic Pro Programmable LED Flash Propellers

These are StartRC Rechargeable, programmable LED Propellers for DJI Mavic Pro. You can connect them to your computer, run the simple app and choose to flash the propellers with 8 custom messages or images of your own liking. Save and disconnect. Put the props on your DJI Mavic Pro, Turn them on, fly and see the magic. All 8 custom messages will appear on your propellers and stay for few seconds before switch to another and keep the cycle going. Now you can project custom messages and images on your DJI Propellers.

8 custom messages on each propeller means you can actually have all same 8 messages and images on 4 Propellers or each propeller can have its own 8 different messages or images. Its a great way to light up the night with your DJI Mavic pro and one of the best medium to advertise using yous drones and its propellers. Want to show your love and say something to your beloved person that you can’t say before him/her, well now you can just project whats in your heart on these amazing LED Propellers and fly to your lover’s house, let him/her see what you want to say.

These rechargeable propellers do not affect the flight performance of your DJI Mavic Pro and can project your messages and images for up to 40 minutes on a full charge. However, they do come often highly imbalanced and if not, still they heat up your DJI Mavic Pro Motors and ESCs to unsafe levels. Hope factory will fix the issues.

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