Monday, February 4, 2013

Micro Night Vision Camera -- GoPro 3 Vs Night Vision Cam

Micro Night Vision Camera – GoPro 3 Vs Night Vision Cam
Here is the full footage and Review of Micro Night Vision camera for Multirotors, drones or Night FPV flights. This micro camera does a wonderful job and sends out a clear image to LCD Screen or video goggles lighting up the darker areas very clearly and making night FPV flights a breeze to fly. So far I find it a worthy choice for night FPV, night aerial surveillance missions and or search and resuce at night. The image and comparison video that you will watch later in this video is shot using GoPro 3 HD and Micro Night Vision Camera Side by side and you can easily see the difference.

In fact its not true night vision and there is no blurry, green picture or video. This camera simply delivers a superb low light image quality that makes it almost close to a FLIR type camera. You see a black and white type image but very clear for a Pilot to fly a night mission using any kind of drone. I am simply loving the night image quality and performance of this camera and having no troubles doing night flights on OFM ASD-650 the upcoming Aerial surveillance drone.

Enjoy this Video Review and GoPro 3 plus Night Vision camera comparison.

Night vision camera, Quadcopte with Night vision camera, Quadcopter night FPV, Aerial surveillance drone, Aerial, Surveillance, Drone, Search and Resuce Drone, AliShanMao, Ali, RC, Radio control, T-Motor, DJI Naza M GPS, Naza, Wookong, Wookong M GPS, GPS position hold, RTH, auto land, ASD, OFM-650 V4, X650 V4, XA-650, Xaircraft, GoPro 3, GoPro 3 black edition, Your personal Drone

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